Friday, August 31, 2012

Leadership skills from the top - Other potential development

One of the most fun things in life is to help others develop their potential. Not only will you earn the respect of those who helped you, what is more gratifying than helping someone to succeed and achieve the life they always wanted. However, it is absolutely not an easy task because human beings are complex creatures.

What is the potential? How do you define it? In short, the potential is about passion. Only when you are passionate about something, then there is the will and determination to do well in it. To help others develop their potential, you must first make them see what it is they have some potential.

A person can reach their potential through hard work and perseverance and what we must do to unlock the potential of someone is to give them the belief they can do and the strong will to succeed. Remember, it's all about them, not you. Your personal agenda and the judgment has no place in the process and if you do apply your will to the other person is not going to work out and at worst, could lead to a broken relationship.

What is needed is to ask them questions. What inspires them? What is it that makes them want to do something regardless of payment or reward? What is their dream? Only by knowing this we can begin to help them. Ask questions and request articles for all the answers, no matter how outrageous and extravagant.

Help them to set positive goals and small steps toward their dreams. Use your judgment about what is achievable and what is not. Keep your hand and guide them and be ready to support them when they are down, which certainly occur because of various obstacles that life throws at us. Never allow others to give up, no matter how painful it gets. Remember, this is for their benefit not to give up when the going gets tough.

Last but not least, if you really want to help people, you've got to look in the mirror too. Are you a good role model? Can you trust? Do you procrastinate? Only when you are serious about developing yourself so people can trust to help them .......

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