Sunday, August 26, 2012

How great history Topics Feature Unleash your talent of writing

An old news pro once told me: "Boy, if it is not news, we're not going to print." I'm dating the above quote, which goes back into the Dark Ages of the manual typewriter. But I remembered over the years. Another way of stating the same concept I learned from my father, "When in doubt, play silent." My father was commenting on excess dialog in a scene, however, both men gave me a lesson of a lifetime .

If you do not have anything to say that it is a notable feature, then do not say or write. What have you to say that is material news lead? This is not a criticism because you do not know, rather than advice. But you have studied adequately what you want to write.? And if you have, you have an idea of ​​the title, subject, and the flow of this article?

Are you writing simply because you are inspired, or you have done your homework and found out if there is a market for your words? This does not mean you should not have a blog: please do and write what they want and whenever you want. But in this article we are discussing the business of writing.

Have you checked whether the largest news agencies are accepting electronic submissions? If they are, they do not need a step in advance or sample of your style?

What is happening in the world right now? Use this information to write something that is timely and gives a new impetus to an old argument. If it is Christmas, then an article on Independence Day may not carry the same weight would be in summer. You are a writer, to use the pumpkin to figure out in advance where to spend your time and energy.

Assuming you have taken care of the above, the topic researched, designed a good title and flow, you will be writing from experience or interviewing people with information good or bad for its subject or product? If so, I congratulate your organization skills.

Many writers, including this one are long on creativity and short on organization. If you plan to write an article, all the facts, quotes, interviews must be at hand, and data must be checked and rechecked. Not talking about grammar or punctuation. If you're a pro, which should be second nature, but the details are really facts or just inventions? Make sure: if you are wrong, could affect the reputation far into the future.

Are you the kind of writer who is short or long prose? Either way is fine, provided you meet the editorial requirements. Some publishers are looking for information "in step", while others may prefer a more flowing style of writing.

All good stories and articles contain a well documented and written beginning, middle and end. This is something that guides the reader by the hand through the story until its completion. If you did your job well, the reader has finished reading with a slight smile, knowing that they have read and learned something cool and informative .......

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