Thursday, August 16, 2012

Top 3 Methods of payment online web site traffic

There are many ways to generate web traffic to your website business online. There are ways and there are free ways to pay. In this article I want to talk just a little 'getting some paid traffic to your website with my first 3 methods of payment online website traffic. If you follow through and implement one of these methods will be well on your way to flooding your home business website traffic.

Method 1. is to use personal ads for a fee. Only ads are simply explosions single email to another list of people. There are a lot of ezine publishers out there on the Internet that sell advertising across online newsletter. You can purchase a solo ad in ezines of other people for the price of $ 5 and upwards of $ 300 or even higher at times. I love it, because when personal ads of a solo ad goes out to the mailing list publishers the ad is the only thing in the e-mail. In this way the readers have their attention on your ad and not just a bunch of other ads.

Method 2. is to use Google Adwords. Google Adwords is the fastest way to get targeted traffic from search engines. You can literally be running in less than an hour with Google Adwords. Using Google Adwords you only pay for actual visitors to your web site.

Method 3. is to use the top sponsor ads. This is very similar to the first method. What makes this a very good method is that if the ezine publisher to submit an article or a newsletter to its subscribers in your ad is on top of the newsletter before the article. Many of the subscriber may not want to open e-mails as a soloist, but they do open the actual newsletter, so this will give you the opportunity to reach people too.

So these are my top 3 ways to generate traffic to website payment online with an online home business. Vai and implement only one or all 3 of these and see what happens. I'm sure you'll enjoy .......

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