Friday, August 17, 2012

Bum Article Marketing - How to write articles that make money

Write an article marketing bum in order to make some money is not rocket science. With the right information and guidance you can easily supplement your income and learn valuable marketing skills in the process. Here are some points that I consider particularly important for creating killing machines money article.

1. Write for Long Tail Keywords

It 'important that when you search for your offer to find long tail keywords. Keywords long tail keywords that are just many words in them that have low search competition. A good indicator if a keyphrase you were to write an article to be highly competitive and is not going to Google and typing in the match exact phrase. If the results are less than 10,000 are more likely to have a winning keyword you could optimize to get listed on the first page of Google or any search engine.

When you write your articles make sure to include the exact keyword phrase within the heading of the article. This will greatly increase your chances of getting listed well on search engines. Make sure you have relevant keywords to your keyword phrase in the keyword box. Articles should be written with a density of relevant keywords. You should try to understand the exact keyword phrase in the article and the long tail keywords relevant to that phrase, as far as possible, without keyword stuffing.

2. Write Your Articles Into Relevance

Make sure your article contains information relevant to what the user actually wants to have optimized for that phrase. If you do not include the relevance it will have a loyal audience less with decreasing conversions.

3. Create Your Links To Tie In the interests of the public

This requires a bit 'to experiment with the conversion of your audience. You will need to know exactly what they want when they read your article. Fortunately, the engines of articles often offer views of the article and click the link. Experiment with your link and try to get the click rate of the link.

The most important step in article marketing and make money with articles is to just keep writing. Not only is more to write, but you increase your marketing skills. Make every article you write a lesson and learn how to read the article Show and data click on the link. Take notes of what works and what does not for the public. Once you learn these things and experience will be well on your way to make money you want with an article marketing bum .......

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