Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Make A Killing In The WoW Auction House

If you are playing the auction house, you're well on your way to make a good amount of gold in World of Warcraft. You can already make a good amount of money. Or it can be broken a beginner looking for a way to do some 'gold and get that awesome level 7 march to the seller.

Gold is the backbone of World of Warcraft. Without it, it would only be killed for honor and ganking newbs ... Hm, that does not look too bad, lol. But if you want good equipment, a mountain, and an epic flying mount, and all the other fun potions and spells that accompany the game you are going to need gold. A lot of gold.

And even if it's really easy to do a lot of gold in auction house a lot of players are still too lazy to do the 5 or 10 minutes each day to list their items in the auction house? It is not difficult to find these players, all you have to do is talk to people in chat rooms or in major cities ...

Just ask people if they usually sell their stuff to the sellers or the auction house. If they say the sellers because they do not like to wait for the money or am I just an idiot or whatever, ask them if they could start buying all their objects are green / blue / purple for twice what the seller pays. Tell them that they could see what the seller will give them, and then to you COD, or save some 'trade and, at times designated.

Then you'll have 2 times as many green ah sell, and profit much more .......

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