Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good Planning = Good SEO = Results!

Good Planning = Good SEO = Results!

How many of us, webmasters really careful and accurate when we begin our planning SEO site? I dare say that not many of us. When a webmaster gets a brilliant idea for a website, the first impulse is to start the site and build up fast and furious delaying good SEO techniques for later. However, the problem of traffic lower than expected would come soon and when that happens, it could be a hassle to correct these problems. Problems like session id, layout poor or bad, menus and so on will have a great impact on SEO and can lead to fewer visitors and traffic from search engines in the near future. Effective SEO requires time to implement and if your site is large, then the problem becomes ten times due to the fact that search engines take time to reassess and re-index the entire site, all the while you're losing visitors that your competitors did better planning on their site.

Here are some steps for you to do when planning for the new site:

1. Get the most important keywords and secondary keywords. In my opinion, the keywords are extremely important. Select and understand the correct keywords is crucial to get traffic from search engines. However, you should always refine your keywords and keyword phrases to your site statistics and records, even after you finish your site. Your link building campaign should heavily rely on this information you have gathered.

2. Domain name. You should choose a suitable domain name. Changing the domain names would then be lost all Opyimization search engine that you did. It 's like starting all over again. It would be better to just stick with the old domain name to switch to another. Better yet, choose the correct domain name in the first round.

3. Choosing the correct title for the title tag of your site. Another important step that we have here. Since the title tag is the first search engine do you see, you should always have the right keywords in the title, and then followed by the name of your site. This includes other sections of the site, not just the main page.

4. You should always plan your site for a neat, easy to read layout, instead of being too cluttered and messy. This is good for both human visitors and search engines. Even with a CMS, you should choose a CMS that allows you to control your layout and make sure it is clean without too much unnecessary images or text that may confuse your visitors. A header section, a section of the body and a footer section is necessary. The body section should contain the main content of your site. Navigation menu should be placed above or to the side.

5. Good menu names. "Home" is useless for the anchor text, unless the keywords contain the word home, make sure you have proper names (which means that the keywords) for the anchor text in your menu. Why? Since the menus usually appear in every page of your site, and each anchor text is a vote (though not as appreciated as an external inbound link) to this page.

6. Getting the correct URL. URLs are important. They are like your home address, without them no one can access your page. If you change the URL of your page in the future, no rankings and all the effort that goes with it will disappear as change your domain name. So you should plan for you the URLs of pages and avoid change.

7. Then you should understand which pages you need to optimize for such keywords. Think of them as landing pages where visitors come from search engines. And these pages should have easy access to other important parts of your site. It 's difficult to optimize the keywords for your mainpage, so the best way is to optimize landing pages.

8. Link building campaign. But now you should have already completed your web site and the next step should be to build inbound links. There are many ways to get links and is beyond the scope of this article. But it must be emphasized that the use of the text proper anchorage for these incoming links are more valuable to our site not only simple links. Assuming you have the right keywords and keyword phrases and know which page of links are important for SEO.

Practice good SEO is to have good planning. It takes a bit 'hard work and effort, but it will definitely pay off when you see the results....

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