Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Multi-Cultural Teams - Challenges

The three challenges of multi-site teams

The conflicts arising from a cultural context mutual trust and open communication between the respect of conflicts arising because of the basic cultural sites: the cultural behavior is something that we do not observe interactions during daily work unless and until someone makes you aware. In Western culture it is normal to make explicit statements, while in Asian culture owes much to be inferred from the words, tone, body language, etc. real meaning is transmitted indirectly. It 'important that the project manager to learn to adapt to different communication styles and understand these cultural differences to manage conflict effectively. Conflicts can be resolved in different ways; director of the project is planned, the team solves the conflicts themselves or through the intervention of senior executives. In the first case, the project manager becomes a bottleneck and will need to spend lots of time to resolve conflicts during daily interactions. In the second approach, the team member must be aware of their differences and mature enough to resolve such conflicts. Which approach to follow depends on the situation. Conflicts must be resolved using the medium before the team reaches an impasse. Conflicts should be discussed in the open with all parties involved and an agreement should be reached. Multicultural team brings much needed diversity in the group. The diversity of skills, personality, etc brings a whole new perspective to the problems, issues and its solutions. Diversity must be exploited by the project properly. Let me cite an example here. To develop a new version of an existing product, the members of the three geographical areas were included. A location has been involved in this development of the product from the beginning (10 years). Second place has proven experience in similar products and good track records in terms of quality and timing, but new for this product. The third position is completely new and did not have the process know-how or know-how. The project manager chosen for this project was from the first position and have proven experience in delivering complex projects successfully. Now coming to the challenges faced by the project:

The first position was hostile to him since he is considered an outsider, it means that was not part of this team since second position in the past has worked with him and respect him for his expertise and leadership position of the third did not know that What should be done when no process has been followed from the first position up to now and not feel the need for the same since they were working for many years without trial process strictly follows the second position and expect the same from other localities. There were conflicts between first and second positions with respect to the regular process, product knowledge, and quality. The way in which the project manager handled this conflict has been fantastic. He could recognize the problem and also ensure that there is no conflict. He took care to avoid an escalation of the conflict in verbal exchanges in meetings on the status of the project .. The project manager used a simple way to do such as recognizing the problem and then stating both points of view and then choosing the most appropriate solution. Sometimes it took two or three meetings to resolve conflicts. Some of the conflicts were trivial and was dismissed without much discussion. The point is that the project manager has taken the lead in conflict resolution when needed and not seek to impose an opinion one location to another location. Eventually the project was quite successful. The project manager could achieve the following objectives:

Leverage the expertise of first and second position for the product know-how and know-how of the process, respectively. He got the first position to follow the processes using the results of the second position of the I / O as an example. Found that the product required the know-how is provided by first position in second place. Activated the third position with the guidance and ensuring support from other locations if necessary mutual trust and respect, Project Manager must ensure that the team is treated with respect and trust and there is no break down of communication. He / She must treat everyone without prejudice. Sharing mutual trust, respect and understanding should be encouraged between teams from different cultural backgrounds. Each team member should be sensitive to each other their cultural behavior, communication style, etc. The team should be encouraged to share all the information directly and honestly. Different groups should not be made to compete with each other. Nor should there be blame. The environment must be created where appropriate to clarify the issues openly and if this problem is valid must be accepted by all stakeholders. Here's an example: Position 1 (East Europe) has worked with a product for a long period of time. Position 2 (Asia) has begun to commit to a new version. Splitting work was such that a major chunk of new work must be done to position 2. The project is controlled by position 3 (West Europe). It 'clear that the transfer of know-how needs to be done from Location 1. Position 1 Position 2 concept was that one must learn from and not permitting could be provided. On the other hand, position 2 provides Position 1 to allow them because of time constraints. There have been controversies on both sides, and finally agreed position 1 for the know-how to transfer the site at seat 1. There are basic structures of work were given to people from position 2 on the site of Location 1. There was mutual trust and respect between the teams. It was clear that the transfer of know-how to pay. The project manager should be called both parties discussed the difference of opinion and then track the future course of action with clear expectations of each position. After this failure, once the debate started on conducting this transfe. Refused to go to position 2 to position 1 and vice versa. Location 1, which had implications for racial reasons for not being able to travel to position 2. This infuriated the position 2 and the final result was not successful transfer of know-how. Trust and mutual respect will ensure that project objectives can be achieved by the team. Project / Business Manager should visit all geographic locations, at least once in a while to have face to face meetings and know the team well and create an environment of trust and respect.

Transparent communication between sites if the corporate culture is deeply established, then somehow we were able to overcome differences due to cultural background of different nations. This is the reason that many multinational companies are a huge success with their global teams. But for a global company in its early stages, the culture needs to be evolved over time. During this period of transition, there will be chaos and culture of one nation takes precedence. It 'also true for companies in mergers and acquisitions. In Ireland, in addition to cultural differences in different geographical areas, not in the corporate culture of the individual to be treated. In this case it is important to involve a new culture aware. When handling projects during this transition phase, it will be useful if a culture of project could be established in the beginning. Clear communication is an important guideline that should be performed. The state and the issues and risks involved in the project should be communicated openly in project status meetings. Relevant information must be shared between the two teams at the right time. At no point should we be allocating sites and also in interaction with project managers. Project managers should give appreciation for good work done by a particular site. He / She should also ask if there are any problems / delays at any particular site.

Competence Project Manager and list the skills plays an important role in ensuring the success of a project with a multicultural team. The project manager should ensure all cultural matters are handled with maturity, sensitivity and professionalism. He / She must face the conflict and find resolution. It could also help develop a common framework and guidelines for communication and interaction between teams from different sites so that there is mutual trust and respect between the teams....

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