Thursday, August 16, 2012

E-Commerce Website Design vs. Web Design

Not all websites are the same. And while all webmasters need to factor in web design, those who deal directly with the customers money and have more things to consider. After all, for owners of e-commerce (or sales) websites, "conversion" is the number one priority. Conversion refers to turning visitors of a website into paying customers, and the "conversion rate" of an e-commerce website is highly dependent on how potential customers feel the same site.

This brings the question ... When designing a website, what is the difference between e-commerce web design and web design to adjust? You can design an e-commerce site, just as you would with a web page information? The answer is no. Although they are similar in concept and execution, there is a lot 'of difference between e-commerce web design and web design regularly - it's all in the details.

E-Commerce Web Designers

When an Internet user visits an e-commerce site, he / she is often looking to buy. But the truth is, if the potential buyer does not feel well the site, you can not buy - even if the items for sale are just what you are looking for.

Since turning visitors into paying customers is the way to an e-commerce site to make money, e-commerce web designers should keep in mind the importance of building trust and good feeling with potential customers. Before deciding to spend money more online customers to search for safety, convenience and accessibility, and a successful e-commerce has to do all three a priority. For this reason, e-commerce web designers must pay special attention:


In order to create confidence and a sense of security with potential customers, it is important that a well-branded e-commerce site. This means that websites selling should put more effort into logos, slogans, drawings, etc. and non-commercial web sites.

Shopping Carts

The ease and convenience of e-shopping carts, baskets, etc., is an important factor in converting visitors into customers. For this reason, the majority of e-commerce web designers should offer design custom shopping cart for web sites. This includes but is not limited appearances cart, database, display products, e-mail inbox.

Security and Merchant Accounts

The biggest reason why online shopping is a great industry is convenience. And that makes online shopping so convenient is the option to pay online securely with credit cards. Since the payment online is one of the last remaining "sticking points" to reluctant shoppers, it is important to make them feel safe and secure when ordering from an e-commerce. For this reason, e-commerce web designers specialize in creating secure web sites, and often help users to request and create security e-commerce merchant accounts for credit cards.

Of course, all this requires a specialized knowledge of specialized training, and an e-commerce web designers should be trained in this highly specific. An e-commerce web designers must know both the web and adjust the design expertise in the areas listed above, as well as other e-commerce related areas....

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