Sunday, August 5, 2012

A psychological assessment Accused Of Sexual Abuse

In the psychological skills made frequently alleged sexual abuse practitioners ask if the examinee "has deflection in the area of ​​libido in order to corroborate such a way, if its psychological aspect becomes compatible with that of an abuser" "If this profile consistent with the facts that are heard in the present case", "if you psychosexual disorders in the field."

There are many classifications and all classes of offenders varied set ranging from impulsive showing little or no planning to ritualistic child molesters show a significant level of planning that leads to set the stage where you can bring your fantasies to act, or different classes ranging from pedophiles who are attracted to children and keep their impulses in fantasy to those which make use of seduction, manipulation, threats and / or violence, as well as those whose abuse may lead to murder the victim in order to conceal the offense.

Although there is a "psychological profile" to be conclusive, the authors agree some features such as low self-esteem which is compensated by the power and aggression on the victim, sexual dysfunction with adult partners, insecurity about their sexual performance, inability to relate to adult women, inability to tolerate stress and low frustration tolerance, instability, immaturity, introverted and lonely, and so on.

DSM classifications include Pedophilia within the group as one of the Paraphilias and Sexual Disorders, Sexual Identity, but neither this nor the diagnostic criteria tell us much that is useful to us in responding to the basis points usual expertise on the characteristics of the accused.

According to psychoanalytic theory and gnosología three clinical structures that are the Neurosis, psychosis and perversion for psychoanalysis are mutually exclusive structures and this is the same as saying that the diagnosis will go beyond phenomenology, as it will not to be limited to a sum of signs and symptoms even when they are also considered when formulating and documenting a diagnosis.

Perhaps we can agree with readers that in speaking of a scene in which enacts a fantasy that determines a particular and distinctive erotic condition in the choice of the victim, we are also talking about perversion. The identical repetition of a number of victims in which there is evidence of certainty as to the enjoyment by the aggressor makes a difference to the act psychotic and neurosis.

According to it, get on the evaluation of the Rorschach protocol examined without a predominance of C, m, CF, or abundance of locations S, M appropriate responses, content H, shock phenomena, responses of K, and so on., Or results and appropriate proportions in the Structural Summary if the technique is evaluated by the Exner system, oriented toward a diagnosis of structure that is incompatible with that of a subject at the scene put the evil act for which, behaviorally, should exceed three known barriers involving internal inhibitors, external inhibitors and resistance of the victim.

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