Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Natural treatment for stretch marks

A home remedy stretch marks is preferred by many of the scar removal options more expensive, because not only save by opting for this method, the results are also quite impressive.

Why are there stretch marks anyway?

These lines on the surface of the skin appear when a person experiences physical changes to the skin stretches as pregnancy, growth, weight loss or weight gain and disease. These lines can be found mainly in the stomach, hips, breasts and thighs. Initially, the lines appear to be pink gradually turn white. are not really scars, although it may give the appearance of being so, but the marks left by the torn elastin fibers .

How to get rid of these ugly lines then?

Homemade solutions are available and the following are some of the most effective.

• Apply lavender oil to the affected area three times a day. This is one of the most simple but effective methods of decreasing these defects.

• You can also use Aloe Vera gel. This gel acts first lighten the scars until they have completely disappeared.

• You can prepare a homemade mixture of these oils: a few drops of chamomile and lavender oil and one ounce of vegetable oil (sweet almond or avocado oil). Apply this mixture on the problem area regularly.

• Change your diet to include tomatoes, liver, dairy products and leafy green vegetables. Eating nuts and seeds that are rich in zinc.

• Another effective mixture that you can prepare itself contains quarter cup of aloe vera gel, half cup of olive oil, the fluid four capsules of vitamin A and the fluid of six capsules of vitamin E. Mix these ingredients with a blender and apply to the problem area. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator.

• The aroma oil is also good home remedy stretch marks. Massaging the area with visible lines with this oil a day.

For more tips and information on cure stretch marks visit here

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