Sunday, August 5, 2012

Overcoming Crisis couple

All couples have problems, some people say. There are always conflicts in married life, they say other friends. It seems to me that there are differences in married life, and it is precisely in these disagreements, we have to be careful, when we feel that we have problems with your partner.

The differences are not only a product of life as a couple, they exist in all human relationships. Human conflict is always present in all types of bonding. Between parents and children, brothers, relations, etc.. However, married life, for their loving qualities, contains certain problems that need addressing in the best way to have healthier relationships.

In married life, there are periods when the problems seem to worsen. The relationship is a living, ie is subject to our emotional states, work problems, family conflict, economic situations, etc.. The couple, takes time to construct and one aspect is the solution of conflicts.

Some problems are a couple when both partners lack the flexibility and try to see the other's position at the time of dealing with differences. Both believe they are right and do not listen, nor are they able to understand what your partner wants them to understand.

The stresses of modern life also affect a couple's life, unemployment, stress, chronic illness, death of a relative, job loss, substance abuse, all affect this relationship, although it seems that only Love it up. Nothing further from the truth, love life not only has to do with the expression of love, but on the contrary, all the affected positively or negatively.

Each pair has its own problems, however, there are some aspects that seem to be found in the life of every couple, and it is important to be vigilant, to solve our relationship problems, not to mention, that our way of seeing things also affects the solution of our problems. Emotional life, it is necessary at times, become rational to give intelligent solutions.

Money and the economy: a common conflict of married life. In this respect, seems to have major imbalances in married life, especially for women, and even more so when not working and is in charge of the house and children. The complaints are in the sense that they have the same resources as your partner, who is the provider.

On the other hand, are also problems in the financial area, in terms of resource allocation, how much for the house, how much for the clothes, how much for investment, how to save, how much for the holidays, and so on. Some men hold their anger in terms of their women to demand too much about it.

There is another factor, when both partners are suppliers. In this respect, the agreements have to be very well delineated in order to make good use of resources, in which neither of us feel you are being exploited by the other.

Finally, finance and the funds will become problematic in married life, and therefore, become an arena of struggle, conflict and power. So it is important to address this issue with the couple thorny as it may seem.

No time to be in a relationship: The vast majority of couples that their love does not have enough time to live, sometimes by overwork, excess other parties, other over-study, and finally the complaint is directed at the lack of space in the life of another. That other, which I love so much, is so busy in his personal life, he has forgotten to be and live with the couple.

This strained the relationship, lies in claims resentment and constant. Condition is experienced as abandonment and neglect, and lack of interest and indifference. Then begins the process of living alone as a couple. Therefore, it requires awareness of our life together.

Overwork situation and the many commitments are a major problem faced by many couples. Relationships, kids club, working parties, the gym, shopping day, the course has just started, and so on.

This run, run is a real problem for couples, and that deprive them of time to share, talk and intimidate. Get off the pace, to enjoy your partner and family.

Other topics are:

Generate a draft pareja.Compromiso with pareja.La time parenting.

Married life is a project, a way of life for two, but the couple and their relationship is built, does not happen overnight, so if you're in love and suffer and you and your partner, not can solve their problems, they can go to a specialist, or have as a goal, create agreements to resolve their conflicts.

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When love becomes a partner in pain

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