Thursday, August 2, 2012

Roasted Black

Roast ½ kilo boy black1 round (round tip) 1 tz. Kilos of oil 2 plum tomatoes (plum tomato) 1 onion diced 8 cloves garlic, minced 3 bay leaves 1 teaspoon oregano 7 tablespoons of brown sugar / brown sugar Salt and pepper to taste ½ cup. 2 cups olive. Red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite because it is neither too dry nor too sweet)

Clean all grease meat in a separate bowl macerate meat with wine, onion, garlic and laurel leaves for a period of 4 hours or until the next day in the fridge (I personally prefer to leave it until the next day)

The next day: Place the tomatoes in a pot of boiling water for about 3 minutes and then place them in a container of ice water so you can easily get the shell, they take out the seeds and chop it by almost a wee pure. meat is removed from the refrigerator and pulled out the wine mixture and dried in a deep pot put oil on medium heat with spoonfuls of brown sugar until it gets black, "but care should be burn "once the showy black meat is placed in the pot and fry will grip turning to the color of brown sugar when this cover the meat, add as much onion and garlic to fry with the meat are incorporated crushed tomatoes, the wine which was macerated meat, oregano and salt and pepper to taste. This is going to leave medium-low heat for 4 hours, after this time has passed, you will add the olives and leave for half an hour.

Remove the meat from the liquid to be black in color and thick cosistencia cut in slabs of 5 mm. Thickness or the thickness you prefer, place it on a serving platter and pour the juice over the meat, remove the bay leaves and serve with white rice and slices of ripe bananas.


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