Thursday, August 9, 2012

Collaborating Always Win

You had to ask the PSOE and the PP what concept they have current Spanish society, for it is founded on economic parameters where ... the rich are becoming less rich and the poor become less poor.

Collaborating always win in the reconstruction of a successful society, in the current economic environment, Spanish, making the opposing political views exist, they may become compatible on the bottom line: we had to ask the PSOE and the PP their concept them in the Spanish society, for it is founded on economic parameters where ... the rich are becoming less rich and the poor become less poor.

The eurozone is mired in a tremendous long-range economic crisis, and the German anger has some justification: that we understand it all. In the past ten years, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and other countries 'euro zone' lived happily under a low interest in the economic plot. However, the Germans (¿'square heads, very smart: within a circle of concrete work know more than anyone ...?) Had already begun to make their "economic obligations" necessary to moderate and steady growth of its economy: reduced wages, but without losing their jobs or jobs, by modernizing their industries more competitive. Today enjoy a surplus commendable, and have increased their exports as God intended: China is an example of this I mention.

Admittedly, by active and passive, that Germany was able to integrate 16 million people in Eastern Europe, as they were Germans, and this merit can not be denied. In Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal are living off loans from German banks, who earn much money with them. But the Germans have to understand that the crisis in the Eurozone be resolved by introducing a 'Eurobond' common legislating so that there will be a fiscal and monetary coordination among all Europeans, and European Central Bank engage- assuming "the role of lender 'last.

And so, those who put our votes at the polls, we were wrong many times, since in our current voting system does not allow people to vote and other political parties (who should finance their own means). Means one who, without doubt, many of us have more faith and people of political parties operating in España.Nuestra fledgling democracy, and so it is with other democracies, has inherent in itself an impediment or danger that 're falling lately: moved the concept of democracy (freedom) to all our personal interventions, whether or not policies. I can do ..., I have reason to ... I'm covered by ... I need a house ... and so on. And so on.

But none of us, or possibly the undersigned believes so, we can say that, although imperfect, the concept of 'democracy' is the least bad system of good governance in the countries.

However, elected leaders will come out, as do the waters of any river flowing into the sea. And it also happened Hitler (the sick and lunatic political man) who came to power through the ballot box and covenants: polls and votes, covenants and votes ... All you learn in one subject, that we must always keep up to date: The art of politics, because politics is an art: the art of making others happy, art to benefit the society that is governed, not the art of deceiving voters to declare art capital assets when it comes to rule and when you leave (equivalent to be honest and honest) ... But one wonders if our current Spanish rulers (including the Leader of the Opposition) will not be forgetting this unfinished business' The art of politics ': Perhaps a mistake, and I do many times a day, and this consists of hanging out with pockets full of ideas and broken promises and broken by the weight that lead ... and now I'll shut up.

And is that the first government of Spanish democracy exit polls (July 15, 1977) was led by Adolfo Suárez (UCD). But in my humble opinion, was paid a heavy price: the creation of the Spanish autonomous '17, whose current presidents consider them as 'viceroys': democracy had a precio.Debo remember, it gives me so my memory, being men / women unprepared current policy: some do not reach the natural level of school (however, it can be a person without having a lot of lights), all our leaders and politicians in the opposition know, when young, to join the political party turn (PSOE, PP, CiU ...) and let the praises years ... to retire peacefully without fear of the unknown: The workers' strike terrible!

There is more to go and wait. Wait and see when they come out of those politicians sit luxurious buildings where the Spanish autonomous (in number seventeen, which exist in our "Spain poor"). They and elegantly dressed as ever thought, with the first alpaca suits, with models' loewe 'the latter: all, of course, late model, and paid for with taxpayers' money Spanish. Nice picture I describe! They are certainly not sleeping stories.

And one to insist again: Maybe today I have risen with the left foot. And I say more: I know there are political / as honest / as in our Spanish geography: I doubt not, of course! But I keep saying, I know that democracy, as least bad form of government, must be addressed by politicians, but I prefer the latter are honorable and honest. I know what that to accept our fledgling democracy born in 1978, and we all know, had to accept the establishment of 17 autonomous regions and two autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla), which have proved economically speaking disastrous for Spain and its citizens . What we are leaving expensive one and other! We have 17 viceroys in the Iberian Peninsula.

Our new president of Castilla-La Mancha, María_Dolores_de_Cospedal (Rajoy number two), the first thing he did, and when he came to power, was to allow each of the consultants charged a month between 100 and 300 euros more than the chiefs of staff Barreda. Nice way to lead by example! Maria Dolores will continue to use 'scissors' cutting the teaching staff, and, moreover, increase teaching hours per week. Will also be snipped in public health, and in the investment chapter will also deep cuts. Cospedal has forgotten to put a limit on his salary, and bring to the House of Representatives a bill to establish a fixed salary for all Spanish regions.

The Government-PSOE and popular political opposition PP-have forgotten because they wanted for their own political interests, which, without doubt, could have ruled and formed a coalition government and then Spain would not be weakened economically speaking, as it is.

Have been forgotten because they wanted for their own political interests-that our economies engaged in Autonomous Communities (regions) and municipalities are in geometric progression towards a bottomless pit ... and hardly pay our debts contracted until two or three years at least: "About half of the Spanish councils and county councils should be revoked" for the good of the Spanish treasury and públicoAnímense and go to vote, but one wonders who- to be honest and honorable. The picture before us is daunting, look where you look ...

And I'm talking about Spain, my friends, and the challenge ahead to overcome the economic crisis in which we are immersed, we strongly push our throats so that they can not cry, collaborating always win!

La Coruña, September 12, 2011

copyright is a writer Mariano Barcena Cabrero

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