Friday, August 10, 2012

Prospero, Caliban and the dialectic of otherness

Prospero, Caliban and the dialectic of otherness by Jose and Leonor Sarzi AMADE CAMPOVERDE TAIAN civilizations The contact can be considered as an eternal parallelism, based on the disparity in the various civilizations, this correspondence reflects the actual dialectic of otherness that carries with a much more complex phenomenon that has led to the formation of dominant and dominated beings. Among the archetypes that have been used to represent the dominant-dominated relationship, there are some characters in Shakespeare's The Tempest. If in some trials of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the epitome of civilization represented Prospero, Ariel and Caliban noble spirit of barbarism. Currently, these archetypes have been reviewed, the character of Prospero represents mainly the colonizer who feels unable to win their own land and therefore must go to conquer others, Ariel represents intellectuals dominated nations who put their talents at the disposal Caliban represents the conqueror and the owner of a small land to the condition of servitude to a completely foreign to the territory. These three archetypes are of great importance in an era that mainly revolves around the concepts of capitalism, imperialism and colonialism.

In his study of the archetype of Caliban, Retamar discusses the factors that determine the condition of Caliban, summarized in three main points: 1 .- Caliban speaks the language of the colonizer. 2 .- Caliban is influenced by the ideology of the colonizer 3 .- Caliban serves the colonizer can not do without it. If we reflect on the main elements of expansionism of Isabella of Castile were, predominantly, linguistic unity and religious unity that prevailed in the colonized territories and that individuals of the conquered territories served workforce to carry out the production interests of the crown, we realize that neither Shakespeare nor Retamar analysis are products of a hasty analysis. The relationship between Prospero and Caliban is based on the dominant-dominated match, but is dominant depends on who actually mastered. Caliban is the subjugated who speaks, thinks and serves the oppressor. It is a being who realizes his power, Caliban is the people who are not aware of the capabilities it has to achieve success in part is he who contributes to the power of Prospero, because it ignores their rights and ignores its powers.

The complex of Prospero and Caliban complex are responsible for the large gap between civilizations. Only serious overcoming these complexes can induce different civilizations to accept the otherness without the need to submit or be submitted. 1. Jose Enrique Rodo in his Prospero Ariel identified with Spain, youth Ariel and Caliban in Latin America with American barbarism. 2. Retamar has done an excellent analysis of the archetype of Caliban at the level of Hispanic literature, it is important that the archetype of Caliban important works were created at the universal level, many extremely racist in nature, while others are veritable anthropological analysis. We believe that if the reader wishes to have a true understanding of the archetype of Caliban, study authors like Renan, Césaire, Dario, Guéhenno, Nizan, Mannoni, Fanon, Lamming, Arda, Rodriguez Monegal, among others.

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