Saturday, August 4, 2012

Expert assessment of the risk of violence and danger. Dr. Bernat-N. Tiffon. (Barcelona)

As if the "Man of Time? Tele-News (TV) we tried, the question that many legal professionals we face comes to look like and such, but moved in Behavioral Science and Behavioral: - "Dr., what kind of conduct develop this subject here a month ... and a year from now ...?? Of course, although it is a question of the legal framework of the Criminal Court, it is a matter of its own, in the prison par excellence (which comes to complement in the legal field above). The question is not superficial, and banal, nor light, and not even, frivolous. Everything just the opposite: the question is profound, intelligent, factual and accurate.

In these cases, practitioners of the "Black Robes? (Referred to benignly as Prof. Dr. Antonio GarcĂ­a-Pablos de Molina, Professor of Criminal Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid with respect to legal professionals), rely on the technical criteria of the professionals' Robes White? (With respect to mental health professionals) in order to elucidate the problem can have on their respective tables and, in order to practice the judicial decision as relevant to ensuring that the least impact on the large radius of society. If we are in the field of Criminal Justice (more specifically, the prison environment), the question aims to go beyond a simple behavior to be analyzed in isolation. It aims to predict and prevent risk consequences of acts and criminal behavior involving e involving a danger to anyone and, in general, against society. The Mental Health Professionals (those of "white coat?) Are technical experts in behavior and human behavior that hold a radio professional technically broader criterion for predicting risk of violence and danger (with their strengths and weaknesses, with his margin of certainty and margin of error, respectively).

However, while the "Man of the Time? of TV News, ponders his future prediction on variables relatively "static? at present (predicting rain, storm, storms, cyclone, sunny atmosphere, etc..), the "Man of the behaviors? ponders his prediction on total variable "dynamic? behaviors and behavioral materialized on the subject in the past ("... this guy's behavior will develop the next week or next month will ... X ... based on their experience and development patobiográfico along its entire life cycle ... ?). If it is difficult to predict behavior under normal conditions if you also ask us to predict criminal behavior-criminogenic, the issue continues to be a chimera for Mental Health professionals and, in general, professionals of Human Behavior. However, the discipline psychopathological features, and thanks to our current diagnostic manuals (DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10), behavior guidelines provided in the mental and psychological problems. However, the Mental Health professionals, the of the "white coats? - we are here. Helping the "Black Robes?. And thanks to methods by which the current psychology and psychiatry have come to upgrade and innovate (read: hetero actuarial methods of introduction and application of new type HCR-20, SARA, among others, or classical techniques and tools of Personality Assessment type self-administered MMPI-2 or MCMI-III, among others), the Mental Health professionals have powerful diagnostic tools to have sufficient theoretical and practical base to sustain our criteria for prediction (with statistical error margins both technical and human).

Today, with current and innovative instrumental techniques of discipline concerning psychological-psychiatric (both in its Academic-Practitioner as Researcher) present some advances in the scientific doctrine in order to be able to remedy two important issues regarding the subject we come to deal with here: Predict, with the largest absolute rigor, the hostile behavior of the subject criminological prospective and future times, trying to reduce, as much as possible, the degree of error in order to be able to increase the degree of validity and reliability of prediction is attempted Bernat-N. Clinical and forensic psychologist Posted in

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