Saturday, August 4, 2012

If you had a strategy to be happy ... How would your life?

If you had a strategy to be happy ... How would your life? Do you have a strategy to be happy? Is happiness important issue in your life? Happiness is the best of all plans and if you consider it important, that's a good starting point. From there you stop wasting time by putting your attention on things that do not help you feel good (still important) and then you start to think and pay attention only to what makes you feel good (they are now major). At this point you start thinking about things that make you happy. The result is that you begin to get a wonderful life, full of everything you want. When you keep the desire to be happy and you're aware of how you feel, I feel good or feel bad, if I feel good, I still celebrate and add further, and if I'm wrong, I can put a spin on my thoughts and guide them in the direction of the things that make me feel better and better. Thus improve your emotional state and magnetism and attract only nice things to your life.

How do you feel now? Focus on being happy: The desire to be happy is the best of all plans. For this, the most effective strategy is deliberately direct your thoughts toward the things that make you happy. And as a spiral to be happy, you still encounter other thoughts that attract more happiness into your life and so wonderful that you want and you like. So the strategy is essential that you focus on achieving your best emotion. How?

You have to be selfish enough to insist on feeling good. If you focus on something that causes suffering, your magnetism will be negative and nasty it will be what you receive. How can you change your emotional state? If you are in a negative emotional state and if you are determined to feel better, you can change the subject and find other thoughts or issues that cause you more pleasant emotional states. This change in the emotional sense is often a gradual process. You can start right now, perhaps recalling pleasant, could be a baby you love or a song that moves you. Some of these events could serve as an anchor every time you want to improve your emotional state. If something produces a pleasant sensation, pay all your attention, otherwise, do not even notice it. When you're happy you attract happy circumstances. Your emotional state is magnetic. The success is that you enjoy a happy life and a happy life consists of a series of happy moments. (But most people are not allowed to produce happy moments because they are obsessed with achieving a happy life). What to do? What strategy do you follow? I have given the core strategy has from there you can begin to enrich your life with happy moments.

Knowing that your thoughts or topics that you think can be changed, then you understand that your emotional states can be changed. You can choose to think about, and if you choose your thoughts then choose your emotional state you want to be. That's the best use of the power of the mind. Ask yourself, What do I want to feel? And say how you want to feel: cheerful, happy, or love, etc.. Relax, spend more time looking for things to laugh and play. It is really the key. When you follow your bliss is always life easier. Find things that make you happy. Collect things fun and beautiful. Sing, laugh, play with your pet, a flower or enjoying a massage, go to a coffee shop and sees a couple in love, and so on. The secret of life is: for the things that make you feel good and practice it till you make it easy and live happily ever after. Do you dare to start this process?

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