Saturday, August 11, 2012

Greats 5 Ideas to find something to Blog

It 's very common for people who always have trouble finding things to post on the blog, so I thought I'd share some valuable tips as you can find ideas to write about in my experience.

Here are 5 key ideas and questions that you can use to get your message running

1. Write down what you did today at work or at home

Very often people do not care what they actually do or achieve, but one thing I noticed when you blog about something you complain or talk nice to someone, there are people genuinely interested in these things and people commenting actually agree!

Beware when your blog on these topics, do not put names or company names to avoid being sued. A famous local blogger called XieXue actually talking about the government and uses a lot of profanity and it is interesting to note there are people so interested in his blog. She currently get 10,000 visitors every day just to hear about his lifestyle, it seems that Paris Hilton is another but the Singapore version.

2. Compile a list of 5 problems you encounter on your business or work and write about them

You can actually sit down and fill in the last 5 of your problems and you can write about the current problem faced people, or if possible, even in solutions to problems. The best blogging is to solve people's problems your blog content will be of higher quality.

3. Blog Review People

When I started, I did not know what to write what many bloggers as you face daily. So the next thing I would do is talk about other people's blogs.

Here is a list of things you can talk about other people's blogs

- What you learn on their blog

- Because it's actually common for blogs?

- Talk about topics of conversation on blogger

4. Read the articles and duplicate content online

I like doing this more as I not only improve my knowledge, but can generate more ideas for my business. Normally what I would do is visit an article directory and just type the keyword that interests me to blog about.

Then I read that about 2 or 3 items and I copy their content, but recast in my own words. Be careful doing this, you can not copy any sentence from the article, as in the past I have received a complaint email just copying a sentence of an article so be sure not to restate every word there.

5. Blog about your experience

I find this the most significant and will be surprised when you started blogging about your experience, people will be able to relate to what you write and respond!

But not only blog about positive experiences you must also share negative experiences in order to tell people what to avoid when blogging.

So that's 5 ideas you can use to collect more contents for your blog, if you find this post useful only drop a comment on my blog ....

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