Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Latin American presidents gathered in Brasilia (UNASUR)

Carlos Mora Vanegas

Remember, that UNASUR was formed in December 2004 in Cusco, Peru, and the first meeting was held in Brasilia a year later, which defined the agenda and program of action on the integration process. The purpose of UNASUR is to develop common policies on social, economic and environmental

A second meeting was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in March 2007.En, Brazilian diplomatic sources had confirmed to AFP the intention of performing in Brazil, UNASUR summit, while the scheduled meeting would be held in Cartagena in the second half of this year.

There are many hopes placed in this union to consolidate the potential of this continent that has a lot to give. She will come with that, intent, as noted by Argentina President Cristina Kirchner and other presidents, including Venezuela we are concerned with Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez

The summit will be encouraged by presidents and other officials of 12 countries signed the Constitutive Treaty of UNASUR, which will also be aimed at policy coordination in the region

UNASUR is formed by Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana. The last appointment was in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, in December 2006.

The meeting of chairpersons should have been held in Cartagena. With the crisis between Colombia and Ecuador, there was an agreement to be made elsewhere on the proposal of the President of Ecuador Rafael Correa, the agency will be based in Quito, Garcia said. According to the official reapproximate it would help to Ecuador and Colombia.

It is public knowledge that the president of Colombia? Alvaro Uribe, acknowledged that he planned to assume the rotating presidency of UNASUR, but withdrew because of discrepancies with Ecuador and Venezuela.

Hence, on arrival at the summit in Brasilia, President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet president of UNASUR will

It is known that Chile has participated in this regional initiative since its inception, on the basis that an agreement must be based on political consensus, as part of a gradual integration process with goals and objectives "clearly defined"

Notably surprise resignation was Rodrigo Borja of Ecuador to assume the secretariat general "substantial discrepancies with the model of integration

Borja said at a news conference in Quito, Ecuador, who resigned because the leaders of UNASUR their proposals did not attend the forum that encompasses the Andean Community and Mercosur, the new entity has a tight and firm organization and its administration is in charge of a single organism.

Borja said: Do not think that it was for me a painful decision, because I am a fervent supporter of the integration of our countries to get through the synergistic effects of the union, the force necessary for us to defend our legitimate rights and interests the growing world and relentlessly competitive. "

The resignation comes hours before the meeting that the 12 presidents of UNASUR in Brasilia, where he is scheduled as noted the institutionalization of that entity after the foundation details were polished at a meeting in Caracas, earlier this month.

The event is extraordinary because the meeting had initially made earlier this year in Colombia, under the name of the III Summit of presidents of UNASUR.

The - added that UNASUR highest court will a council of chiefs of state meet annually in different countries. He has another cabinet, a General Secretariat based in Quito, as well as plans to create his parliament seat in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba.

Although experts believe that there is a strong intra-regional trade, about 72,000 million dollars in 2006, also believe that political tensions will hamper the progress on specific issues of integration as the unification of labor laws or eliminate the use of passports.

There is a question as posed Arraes Virgilio, a professor of international relations institute at the University of Brasilia, How come you can create something (like Unasur) if not even get to have the same opinions in smaller blocks such as Mercosur and CAN? "

It also indicates that "Thus, UNASUR's agenda is not clear by internal disputes and the only thing they achieve is a common minimum agenda, because if you talk about other things do not get to draw all" countries.

Definitely the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) estimates that the region would grow 4.7% in 2008. In 2007 the GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean reached 5.7% and completed five consecutive years of growth, according to ECLAC.

In addition, the ECLAC pointed out that in 2007 reached a record high of 106,000 million dollars in foreign direct investment in the region, thanks to sustained economic growth and global demand for natural resources. The amount, according to ECLAC, was the highest since 1999, when direct investment in the region totaled 89,000 million dollars and was strongly related to privatization of those years

The Brazilian Defense Minister Nelson Jobim, will make a presentation today to the heads of state gathered in Brasilia, on what will be the defense counsel

The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and the president-elect of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, agreed to promote the South American Union (UNASUR).

President Uribe has said that "Colombia has difficulties to participate (in the defense council's decision.) Colombia believes in the body that is the OAS." From Caracas, Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez responded to the Colombian position: "There remain those who want unworthy lackeys of the U.S. empire."

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva again criticized protectionism in developed countries, in his speech during the signing of the treaty establishing the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). He said the growth of industry and agriculture and the energy potential in the region uncomfortable. For the Brazilian leader, South America gained stature as a global player with the creation of the Union and a new geopolitical role.

"Do not be fooled by the arguments of those who, by protectionist interests or geopolitical motivations, are uncomfortable with our growth. A united South America will move the board to the world?, Said Lula.

Brazil's president argued that UNASUR must be built as part of development projects in each country, but for the benefit of all. The Brazilian leader said further that all decisions are taken by the new entity will have to be by consensus.

Evo Morales, meanwhile, held that the treaty "we are raising the foundations of the southern nations. It is the dream of our ancestors, is the struggle of our leaders who defended the unity, independence and bet now begin to meet that desire

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