Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The true Sabbath

The beneficent Creator, after six days of Creation, rested on the seventh day and instituted the Sabbath for all people, as a memorial of Creation. The fourth commandment of God's unchangeable law requires the observance of this seventh-day Sabbath as a day of rest, worship and ministry in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. (Gen. 2: 1-3, Ex. 20:8-11, 31: 12-17, Luke 4: 16, Heb. 4:1-11, Deut. 5:12-15; Isa. 56:5 and 6, 58:13 and 14; Lev. 23:32, Mark 2:27, 28).

On Saturday the BibliaEl Through Saturday is central in our worship of God. As a memorial of creation, reveals the reason why God should receive our worship, is the creator and we are his creatures. The real reason the worship of God, not just that on the seventh day, but of all worship, is in the distinction between creator and creature. This salient fact can never become obsolete, and should never be forgotten.

God instituted the Sabbath in order to keep forever this truth to the human race.

On Saturday creaciónEl Saturday comes to us from a world without sin. Three other acts of God established the Sabbath.

1. God rested on the Sabbath: Ex. 31: 17 God did not rest because I needed it (Isa.40: 28) Shabath literally means "cease" work or activities (Gén.8: 22). The rest of God was not the result of fatigue, but the cessation of a previous occupation. God rested because he wanted to set an example for the human race (Exo.20: 11). God created the Sabbath to Sabbath rest. The creation of the Sabbath was the final touch, he finished his work.

2. God blessed the Sabbath: Blessing placed on the seventh day meant that this fact by declaring him a special object of divine favor, and one day would bring blessing to His creatures.

3. God sanctified the Sabbath: The fact that God sanctified the seventh day means that this day is holy, let him away with the high purpose of enriching the divine-human relationship.

It is your personal presence which puts on the Sabbath blessing and sanctification of God.

The Sabbath in the Sinai events following the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, shows that had almost forgotten the Sabbath.

1. The Sabbath and the manna: One month before God proclaimed the law from Sinai, promised to protect his people against the disease if they paid attention to its laws (Éxo.16: 25; Gén.26: 5). Shortly after making this promise, God reminded the Israelites the Sabbath holy. Through the miracle of the manna taught in concrete terms how important he considered his rest on the seventh day. (Éxo.16: 4, 16-26). During the 40 years or over 2,000 successive Saturdays, the Israelites spent in the desert, the miracle of manna reminded this rate of six days of work and the seventh day of rest.

2. The Sabbath and the Law: God placed the commandment regarding the Sabbath in the center of the Decalogue (Éxo.20 :8-11). All Ten Commandments are vital, and none should be neglected (Sant.2: 10), but God honored the commandment regarding the Sabbath of all others. In connection with him, sent us remember, warning and mankind against the danger of forgetting its importance. As a memorial of creation, the Sabbath is an antidote to idolatry. The Sabbath commandment functions as the seal of the law of God. Seals usually contain three elements: the name of the owner of the label, title, and jurisdiction. The official stamps used to validate documents of importance. Among the Ten Commandments, the commandment regarding the Sabbath is the one that contains the vital elements of a stamp. It is the only one of the ten that identifies the true God, specifying its name, "The Lord your God", its title: it did, the creator, and its territory: "the heavens and the earth" (Éxo.20: 10, 11)

3. The Sabbath and the covenant God's law was a central feature of the covenant (Éxo.24: 37), so on Saturday, placed in the heart of this law, is prominent in the divine covenant. God declared the Sabbath would be a mark between his people and he (Eze.20: 12.20; Éxo.31: 17). Thus says God, the Sabbath is a perpetual covenant (Éxo.31: 16). "As the agreement is based on God's love for his people (Deut.7: 7.8), also on Saturday, a sign of that covenant, is a sign of divine love."

The annual Sabbaths addition to the weekly Sabbaths (Lev.23: 3), there were seven annual Sabbaths ceremonial character, divided into the religious calendar of Israel. Those days of rest, "besides the Sabbaths of the Lord" (Lev.23: 38), were:

1. The first and last days of the feast of unleavened bread. Lev.23: 7.8.

2. The day of Pentecost. Lev.23: 21.

3. The Feast of Trumpets. Lev.23: 24.25.

4. The Day of Atonement. Lev.23: 26-28.

5. The first and last days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Lev.23: 35.36.

Because the calculation of these depended on the Sabbath holy beginning of the year, which was based on the lunar calendar, the celebrations could fall on any day of the week. When matched with the weekly Sabbath, became known as "big days" or "days of great solemnity" (Jn.19: 31). The annual Sabbaths were an integral part of Jewish rites and ceremonies instituted at Mount Sinai ... which pointed to the future coming of the Messiah, and the observance ended with his death on the cross.

On Saturday and Christ Scripture reveals that Christ was as much as the Father, the Creator (1Cor.8: 6; Heb.1: 1.2; Jn.1: 3). So it was he who set aside the seventh day Sabbath for humanity.

The dual role of Christ as Creator and Redeemer makes clear why he said that, as the Son of Man, too, is "Lord even of the Sabbath" (sea.2: 28). With such authority, if they had wished, could have broken the Sabbath, but he did not. On the contrary, applied to all human beings, saying, "The Sabbath was made for man" (vers.27). Throughout his earthly ministry, Christ gave us the example of faithfulness in keeping the Sabbath (Luc.4: 16). In Matthew 24: 20 we find the advice they give Jesus to his disciples, this clearly implies that even then Christians are under obligation to keep the Sabbath strictly. As rested at the end of creation, did the same at the end of his earthly ministry, when he had completed his second major event in history. (Jn.19: 30; Luc.23: 54). Following his death, rested in a tomb, symbolizing the fact that it had completed the redemption of mankind.

The Sabbath and the apostles The disciples manifested great respect for the Sabbath. This was evident in at the death of Christ. (Luc.23: 56, 24: 1). In his evangelistic journeys, Paul attended the synagogue on the Sabbath, and preached Christ (Hech.13: 14, 17: 1.2: 18: 4, 16: 13) The faithful observance of the weekly Sabbath by Paul, stands in sharp contrast to his attitude towards the annual ceremonial Sabbaths. In his writings makes it clear that Christians are no longer under obligation to keep those annual days of rest because the ceremonial law Christ nailed on the cross (Col.2: 14,16,17; Gál.4: 10, 11)

Many are under the impression that John was referring to Sunday when he declared that he "was in the Spirit on the Lord's day" (Apoc.1. 10). In the Bible, however, the only day which is referred to as the special possession of the Lord is on Saturday (Exo.20: 10, Isa.58: 13; sea.2: 28). Because in Scripture, the only day that the Lord acknowledges as his own is the seventh-day Sabbath, it logical to conclude that John was referring to the Sabbath. Certainly there is no biblical precedent to indicate that this term could apply to Sunday, the first day of the week.

God intends His people to observe the Sabbath throughout eternity (Isa.66: 22,23).

The meaning of the Sabbath:

1. A perpetual memorial of creation: the mandate to observe the seventh day as the Sabbath, is inextricably linked with the act of creation, since the institution of the Sabbath and the mandate to observe are a direct consequence of the act creator.

2. A symbol of redemption: When God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, on Saturday that it was the memorial of creation, it also became a monument of his release (Deut.5: 15). Today, the man also needs to escape from the bondage that comes from greed, profit and power, social inequality, and the sin and selfishness. It is when we turn our gaze to the cross, the Sabbath rest that stands out as a special symbol of redemption.

3. A sign of sanctification: The power that created all things is the power that re-creates the soul to its own likeness. For those who believe that the Sabbath is holy, this is the sign of sanctification. True sanctification is harmony with God, unity with him in character. It is received through obedience to the principles that constitute the transcript of his character. And Saturday is the sign of obedience. (Éxo.31: 139

4. A sign of loyalty: Before the second coming of Christ, the whole world will be divided into two classes: those who are loyal to God and those who worship the beast and his image (Revelation 14: 12, 9). At this time, the truth of God will be magnified before the world and everyone becomes clear that the dutiful observance of the seventh day of the Scripture provides evidence of loyalty to the Creator.

5. A time for communion on Saturday is when we can experience in a special way the presence of God among us. But on Saturday, everything would work and struggle incessantly. The arrival of Saturday however, brings hope, joy, meaning and value. Provides time for communion with God through worship, prayer, singing, studying the Word and meditating on it, and the act of sharing the gospel with others. Saturday is our opportunity to experience God's presence.

6. A sign of justification by faith: To observe the Sabbath, believers show their willingness to accept God's will for their lives, instead of relying on his own trial. By keeping the Sabbath, believers are not just trying to be themselves. Rather, observe the Sabbath as a result of their relationship with Christ.

7. A symbol of rest in Christ: Anyone who enters the rest to which God calls, "has also rested from his works as God did from His" (Heb.4: 10.9). This is spiritual rest, a rest from our own works, the cessation of sin. It is this rest to which God calls his people, and this rest is that both Saturday and Canaan are symbols. All who wish to enter that rest "must come first by faith in his" rest "spiritual rest from sin and their own efforts to save the soul experiencing.

Attempts to change the terms AdoraciónPor Day on Saturday, plays a vital role in the worship of God as Creator and Redeemer, should not surprise us that Satan has mounted an offensive to topple total.

How did Sunday observance of the Sabbath change to Sunday came gradually. Before the second century, there is no evidence that Christians worship weekly meetings held on Sunday, but the evidence indicates that half of this century, some Christians were voluntarily observing Sunday as a day of worship but not at rest.

From the second to the fifth century, while still gaining influence Sunday, Christians continued to observe the Sabbath nearly everywhere in the Roman Empire. The fifth century historian Socrates wrote: "Almost all the churches around the world celebrate the sacred mysteries on the sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and Rome, by some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this. " In the fourth and fifth centuries, many Christians worshiped on both Saturday and Sunday. Sozomen, another historian of the century wrote: "The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, meet on Saturday as well as the first day of the week, this custom is never observed at Rome or Alexandria." These references demonstrate the role that quota to Rome in the abandonment of the Sabbath.

The popularity and influence that gave it to Sunday worship of the pagan Roman sun, no doubt contributed to its growing acceptance as a day of worship. The worship of the sun played an important role throughout the ancient world.

The fourth century saw the introduction of Sunday laws. First Sunday laws were civil, and then appeared the religious in nature. The Emperor Constantine issued the first civil Sunday law on March 7 321D.C. year In view of the popularity enjoyed by the Sunday between the pagans who worshiped the sun, and the esteem in which he had many Christians, Constantine hoped that by making Sunday a public holiday, could secure the support of both groups to their government .

The Sunday law of Constantine reflected his own past as a sun worshiper. He said: "On the venerable day of the sun that the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and to close all places of work. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their occupations. "

Several decades later, the church followed suit. The Council of Laodicea (circa 364D.C.), which was not universal but a Roman Catholic council enacted the first law church Sunday. In Canon 29, the church stated that Christians should honor Sunday, and "if possible, do not work on that day," while at the same time denouncing the practice of resting on the Sabbath, instructing Christians not to " be idle on Saturday but should work on that day. " In 538D.C. year marked the beginning of the prophecy of the 1,260 years, the third council of Orleans, Catholic, passed a law even more severe than that of Constantine. The Canon 28 of the council said on Sunday, even "farm work should be put aside in order not to stop people from attending church.

The change predichoPor half of the prophecy of Daniel 7, God revealed His foreknowledge that would change the day of worship. (Dan 7: 25). There is one power within Christianity to which you can apply this prophecy. There is only one religious organization that claims the right to change the divine laws.

Around 1.400 D.C. Ancharano Petrus asserted that "the Pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God, and acts in the place of God in the world with the broadest power of binding and loosing his sheep." John Eck attacked Luther said: "Scripture teaches: Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it ... However, the church has changed the Sabbath into Sunday of its own authority, for which you (Luther) have no Scripture"

In the catechism of Catholic teaching to the converse of the 1977 edition is a series of questions and answers, among them we find:

P. What is the Sabbath?

R. Saturday is the Sabbath.

P. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

R. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.

The restoration of Saturday 56 and 58 In Isaiah God calls Israel to reform around Saturday. The mission of spiritual Israel is parallel to that of ancient Israel. The Law of God was broken when the power represented by the little horn changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. As trampled on Saturday Israel should be restored, so in modern times, the divine institution of the Sabbath should be restored, and it is necessary to repair the gap that opened in the wall of the Law of God. (Revelation 14: 7,9,12)

Observance of the Sabbath To remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it according to the commandment, we should think it through the week, and make arrangements to observe so that pleases God. We should be careful not to exhaust our energies during the week to the point where we can not engage in the service of God on the Sabbath.

The Bible specifies that on Saturday we cease our secular jobs (Éxo.20: 10; Neh.13: 15-22; Isa.58: 13).

The Sabbath begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday evening (Gen.1: 5; Mar.1: 32). The day before the Sabbath (Friday), the Bible calls the day of preparation (Mar.15: 42), a day in which we must prepare for the Sabbath so that nothing spoil its sacredness. (Éxo.16: 23, No. 11, 18).

When approaching the sacred hours of Saturday, it's good for family members or groups of believers meet shortly before sunset on Friday evening to sing, pray and read the Word of God, thus inviting the Spirit of Christ to be his guest. Similarly should mark the end of the holy day.

Christ worshiped regularly on the Sabbath, taking part in the services and providing religious instruction (Mar.1: 21, 3: 1-4; Luc.4: 16-27, 13, 10). But the Saviour was not limited to worship. It also had communion with others (Mar.1: 29-31; Luc.14: 1), walking outdoors (sea.2: 23), and was engaged to perform holy works of mercy. Whenever he could heal the sick and afflicted (Mar.1: 21-31, 3: 1-5; Luc.13: 10-17, 14: 2-4; Jn.5: 1-15, 9: 1 - 14), healing activities did not break the Sabbath nor abolished (Mat.12: 12), what they did do was to end the onerous regulations that had distorted the meaning of the Sabbath as a divine instrument of spiritual refreshment and delight (Isa 58: 13). God intended the Sabbath to serve the spiritual enrichment of humanity.

The Lord of the Sabbath invites all to follow suit. Those who accept their call experience the Sabbath as a delight and a spiritual feast, a foretaste of heaven. They find that "the Sabbath was appointed by God to avoid spiritual discouragement. Week after week on the seventh day comforts our consciousness, making sure that despite our unfinished characters, we are complete in Christ. What he did on Calvary is our Atonement. We enter into his rest.

"Everything we do contributes to your salvation on Saturday."

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