Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Patron Saint of San Sebastian in Nicaragua

The more you walk through the forest, more wood is encuentra.Proverbio Russian. In Nicaragua, as in the other countries of Central Ameer, Latin America, each town celebrates its patron saint or patron saint. These parties can expand from one to three weeks and include processions of the Saints, rodeos, horse parades, fireworks, etc.. Indeed, in this month of January, specifically during the days between 17 to 27 are held the festivities of San Sebastian 2010 in Diriamba, a city located in the department of Carazo, 41 kilometers south of the capital, in a privileged area, nice weather, a little cold, where its very friendly people, beautiful beaches and from luegocon excellent coffee plantations. Diriamba is well known for being the birthplace of "The Güegüense" or Macho Raton. The feast of San Sebastián is a beautiful tradition that has continued through the passage of centuries and that the inhabitants of Diriamba want their children and generations future keep. In this regard it is known, the Güegüense is the first character of the Nicaraguan Literature. The play represents the folklore of Nicaragua and has been declared by UNESCO Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The play was written in Spanish and Nahuatl dialect an anonymous seventeenth-century

It is said that these festivals are unique in Nicaragua and are above any celebration of the country. In this regard the talk about it, which is much appreciated and celebrated by the Nicaraguans, who express their connections with their most authentic Indian and Spanish roots. Many of the dances, songs and customs are true traditions that go back hundreds of years ago when the Spanish first arrived in Nicaragua. The holidays are not a nostalgia act, but if the integration of pre-Columbian rituals with Catholicism and its history is as fascinating as its colors, customs and music. It is known that one day before your party, on January 19th, we celebrate a Mass and then the image of San Sebastian Basilica leaves her to go to the town of Dolores, which is located between Jinotepe and Diriamba. There he meets his friends, Mark and James. This meeting is known as El Tope. It is narrated that when you start your trip, San Sebastian is escorted by the people, the dances and the horse. The flag of the Catholic Church before the Holy Tremola as paying homage to the beloved image of "Guacha" to affectionately call Diriambinos as San Sebastian.

Your bank will priostes, followed by the Toro Huaco, they form a berry, so that the image marched through the streets, followed by the dance of the Güegüense, El Gigante, the Inditas and El Viejo and La Vieja. When the Saints meet, they are raised and lowered by shippers in reverence, joy and happiness. At this very moment the bells of the Church, are launched fireworks, marimbas are sounded and the music of the chicheros. This San Sebastian announces that his party has begun. In the most momentous religious aspect is the ceiling of 19 between San Sebastian, Santiago and San Marcos in the town of Dolores, sharing meals at noon typical evening serenaded the saint with mariachis and fireworks. The 20, which is same day of San Sebastian, is a Mass presided by the bishop and then San Sebastian is removed from the basilica by the traditional dances and begin the procession, while the black caramel booths will be distributed, hash, donuts, pinolillo and nacatamalesDebe be remembered that San Sebastian, a member of the Praetorian Guard of Rome, converted to Christianity and died smitten and beaten with huge mallets, the worst tortures of the time.

According to the legend with Santiago, the patron of Jinotepe, found floating in huge boxes and since Huehuete initially was appointed to San Sebastian and Santiago Jinotepe Diriamba, at night changing images of parishes, so that ultimately cures then arranged to leave Santiago and San Sebastian Jinotepe remained forever in the hearts of his devotees in the city that has more than a century of veneration. These annual festivals in honor of San Sebastian are as important cultural detail, the characteristic of being the original time and place of traditional presentation of the old national comedy Bailet Güegüense is known or Macho Raton, the Guaco Toro, Los Diablitos, The Inditas and other characters of folklore that originated in the Spanish colony, as an expression of rebellion of the Indians to the conquerors, are presented for eight days in this city of colonial architecture, located on the plateau called the people, 50 Managua.Estos km northeast of groups, composed mostly faithful to San Sebastian paid some favor received, dressed in colorful costumes dancing in the eyes of hundreds of people arriving from all over the country and even abroad, who are gathered sidewalks in the old town.

Indeed, in addition to the Güegüense this holiday traditional groups also have other folk dances and artistic visual interest as Huaco Toro, El Gigante, The Old Man and The Old or The Indian women. The dancers accompanied by their bright traditional costumes of the holy processions through the city. The day of the top of the Saints, which this year will happen on January 19, is one of the most appropriate dates for Nicaraguans to appreciate these cultural expressions.

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