Tuesday, August 7, 2012

With indignation to Slopes

When leaning the discouragement as a master over our political thought, economic and ideological, someone stepping on the idea of ​​Camus and Hessel, returns us the illusion.

We recover the quality of outrage, to jump on the borders of the false order, false democracy and false policy, to say a resounding no.

We are outraged that democracy is offered as a fixed-term bipartisan marketing, the two sides of the same coin, and that bankers and secret societies or clubs, unspeakable selfish capitalism, govern the world from his malice.

We rebels being invaded by a determinist logic of profit and the market, while sweep rights, and social achievements plague leads to despair and ruin physical and moral people, countries and peoples.

We haughty rebels corruption of politicians, rulers and governments. The footprint of the robbery turned into a norm and the kidnapping of the public in the hands of private profit.

We are outraged at the postponement of general interest, the race for money and the dividend of bankers, financial market insolent dictatorship and genocide awareness of generations of young people sentenced to a lack of personal fulfillment and economic.

It revolts the lack of reaction of parties, organizations and union class, leading the company to despair and surrender without a struggle, lack of commitment and referral submissive to the executioner.

We rebel against the values ​​and principles of a slave society of consumption and interference programmed into our habits, voceados by a media slavishly submissive and delivered to the buying power and money.

We are outraged that democracy is touted as the selective imposition of dictatorial party apparatus, imposing closed and blocked lists of candidates, truffled corrupt and accused, and manipulated by partial and favorable laws, imposed by fear or by force.

We rebelled servers implementing the assumption order and the alleged legality, oblivious to the higher principles of freedom and justice, and made instruments of tyranny and evil of the few over the many.

We are rebels, finally, that outside the ancient evolution of humanity, the conquest conscious and suffering of rights and freedoms, has slowed the task of collective emancipation of individuals, peoples and nations, the exclusive benefit of a select class , blinding in its permanent self, threatens to end not only of freedom but with humanity itself.

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