Saturday, August 4, 2012

Practical Christian Living

Ps. Alexis Fernando Jiménez The offices were crowded public. An elderly woman standing in line. Like the others, waiting their turn to cancel the value of taxes. The heat was unbearable, eternal, and the minutes tick, tick, tick of the computer environment become heavy at this hour of the morning. She seemed never to come forward. The man looks back casually. Older women waiting, several yards behind. The flame, it gives way and comes to occupy that place. It gave the opportunity I had to leave the place soon. Way to work, the man who was a few meters further stumbles and rolls on the ground. The documents in the suitcase has spread. Who is behind stops. He bows. It helps. Not until you finish to pick up the last paper. Then with a smile responds to expressions of gratitude. "Do not worry," he says, and walks away. The restaurant at that hour of noon looks empty. The woman is eating their food. Must return soon to their workplace. Keep chewing slowly but, when he directs his gaze to the windows facing the street, see a child who looks at the diners.

You do not need much analysis to realize that it is a beggar. Loses power and goes out. Invites you to enter. The boy refuses. She then buys a meal, properly packaged, take-and-there if he continues with food.

The three experienced Christ in totally different scenes. His faith is not dead. It is not written on paper only. It's real. You can perceive. God made preach more than words. Their actions honor the gospel. Not detrimental to the preaching as happens with those who recite Bible verses from memory, but when it comes time to implement them, apply learning at your convenience. A practical living the Christian life must be practical. That is our commitment. The words are nice but if you do not become reality in our thoughts and actions, are useless. Christ was made not words. His followers must bear witness to our faith development. Some believers in Rome, in the first century, made tangible their convictions. That reason was that Paul wrote: "First of all, I thank God for you all through Jesus Christ. Everyone speaks of faith you have." (Romans 1:8. New Testament, the Word of God for all). It is time to review your life. ¿Work in line with those who profess faith convictions? There is probably a huge gap between what he preaches and what it does.

What to do? Apply corrective and ask the Lord Jesus Christ help to revitalize his life testimony. Only in this way we can impact the world. If we continue business as usual, before we encourage faith triggering desertions and many never want to take the path to God. Today Receive Jesus into your heart!. ? Cabral the door. Let me he transformed his life. If you have any questions, feel free to email fernandoalexis.jimenez @ Contact (0057) 317-4913705 Last article published in

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