Friday, August 3, 2012

The hierarchy of norms and abuse of authority in Peru

One of the problems faced by Peru as a country that seeks to emerge out of underdevelopment is the lack of legal framework rerspeto, by the public administration.

Not only is there a process of anomie that affects society as a whole, but it also is in the public administration, lack of hierarchy of norms, as also deliberate omission from the application of standards in almost all sectors.

Those who studied law, lawyers who are well aware of "The Pyramid of Kelsen." We charge monographs in the early years of university study on this topic.

We all know that there are major and minor rules of hierarchy and when a rule is opposed to another senior preferred. So we have that if a standard, as a directorial resolution opposes the application of parallel evaluations for adults and no other as a Ministerial Resolution, which is in favor must prevail senior. Ie R.M.

A Directorial Resolution can not invalidate a Ministerial Resolution. The 1993 Constitution of Peru as well as tacitly indicates in its article 51, the letter says:

"The Political Constitution prevails over any law, the law on the rules of bottom hierarchy and so on."

A student knows this first cycle of law and of course a first secondary school in any part of Peru.

But lawyers for the Regional Direction of Education of Loreto, not saben.Los Legal Advisers of the DREL with Dr. Patiño who participated Admission Test 2000 in the UPI closing out a resolution against Antonio Raimondi Pronoesa by have applied the provisions of RMNo016/96-ED, contrary to the provisions of Resolution Directorial 1957/87-ED not.

The R.M. No 016/96-ED 1996, says in Point V, Item 12. Elementary and Secondary Education of Adults, that "the registration requirements are formally established and in the absence of such certificates have ceased to study two or more years, be put to the test location.

The year 1957 RD.No 1987-ED says:

"Evidence of the location applied the approved State College."

For Dr. Patiño, DR prevails over MRI

If ignorant as this little lawyer, are specialist legal advice and Romani Martha Sanchez, who grounds by the DGP, mediocre student of the Private University of Iquitos, Law School, believe that the RD Ministerial Resolution supersedes and imagine how bad it is taught in the University.

The law is nothing, for Mr.. Patiño, who also sold the entrance to the UPI year from 2.000 to 70 soles. A sign offered to pay me, but do not accept, because they needed that, go to the 8 th place in my group.

Rather, they do not feel like they are still giving cumplimiento.Peor Secondary Education Specialists known around Iquitos by their inordinate love of bribes, as is the case of Romani Martha Sanchez, Specialist Schools, 2002 and that then became Pronoesa Educational Promoter San Andres.

The specific case is that while RMNo016/96-ED has to be applied placement test to adults who left school two or more years of school, she says no.

To support its negative, secondary specialist, says she has 1957/87-ED Issue Directorial Resolution, which says, "these assessments applied only the authorized state school."

As you can see dear readers pcs of Latin America and Spain, so is the law in Peru. These are public officials in the Loreto region.

The authorities apply what they want and see fit, deprive them of their rights to education promoters are individuals and even closed down their schools, invoking rules 1987 and later repealed by subsequent higher-level standards.

The idiocy that public employees live, including senior officials who cling fiercely to the Dine-National Directorate of Secondary Education Adult, ignorance of the hierarchy of norms, is evidence of ignorance, arrogance with which Public Administration conducts Peru.

The Act says that public career public employees updated standards must be applied, but it is only a part. In Peru, no public sanction to any employee who commits this kind of abuse against individuals.

The State prefers not to understand and be allowed to consume the Abuse of Authority.

In Peru not believe what the law says is true. The law may say and send something, but the official public sector can comply or not. That depends on how much money you put him in the hand.

Smile and be happy

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