Friday, August 3, 2012

Skin Cancer in Cats

The feline cancer is one of the serious conditions that cat owners have to be cautious. This is a condition that spreads through the body and can be fatal in most cases. The rapid spread of the disease makes the treatment is inefficient and therefore the chances of recovery are low.

This extension process, called metastasis, is one of the primary reasons behind the early death from cancer . The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is also the most common organ that can develop carcinoma. Skin cancer is called a general classification of various types of tumors which includes any uncontrolled growth of cells:

* The skin.

* Glands of the skin.

* Hair follicles.

* Connective fatty tissue and supportive.

Metastasis occurs in the skin as a result of cancer in other parts of the body is called as skin cancer because it causes elsewhere. In cats, skin cancer is especially possible in older cats 6 to 14 years of age. Known causes behind skin cancer are:

* Color light or white skin.

* Excessive exposure to sunlight.

* Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).

* Genetics.

skin cancer appear mostly as lumps under the skin or lesions that do not heal. This often leads to abnormal behaviors such as scratching or chewing the affected area. The squamous cell cancer, a type of skin cancer, often leads to redness of the area and a crispy skin.

The detection of skin cancer is relatively easier compared to other cancers because the symptoms are easily visible. For example, looking for symptoms of liver cancer in dogs and cats, is a keen observation tedious process to identify multiple symptoms.

The regular examination of the skin needs to be done for your cat to be able to notice certain signs as:

* Tumors or lumps under the skin.

* Defects, scaly or change color.

* Progress of the above changes noted above.

* Changes in color and irregular areas in the cat's eyelids, lips and inside the mouth.

An occasional massage and preparation with a fine comb can help catch the abnormality immediately. The diagnosis involves laboratory examinations:

* An aspirate of the tumor.

* A piece cut from the tumor.

* Blood and urine.

* X-rays to determine whether metastasis has occurred.

If your cat is white in color and has a white nose and ears, you can minimize the risk by protecting the cat from sunlight. You can also ask your vet about using sunscreens on light-colored tips of the ear or
natural remedies for pets .

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