Friday, August 3, 2012

Yes, I always take salt in my bag

People are always surprised when I pull out my salt shaker much of my bag. You see, I love the absolute salt and put it in everything, so I make sure I keep it handy all the time.

Before you start to berate me on high blood pressure and how unhealthy it is to put salt in my food, I'll tell you a little secret: Salt is good for you!

People get scared when they see how much salt to use and much more scared then when I say that should include salt to your healthy eating plan.

These are the real facts (not to mention that this is news for those addicted to salt all over the world).

The human body can not survive without salt (that's why you put a salt solution when you're in the hospital). Sodium is an essential nutrient that the body can not produce by itself, therefore must be consumed.

Herein lies the problem Baldo. Most people are eating the wrong kind of salt. The only way to get all the benefits of eating salt is sea salt without

unrefined, processed table salt NO.

The reason why the salt has become such a bad reputation is because 99% of global research on the salt has been done on commercial table salt, the only salt you know most people (which is bad, bad, bad). Some of the best scientific research are written in French, German and Portuguese, and many Americans do not know (so far, right?).

Well, not anymore. The unrefined sea salt has exercised its magic on hundreds of my clients and, not to mention, in MI.

When you consider that the sea salt helps balance blood sugar levels, which is necessary for the absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract, which can help prevent muscle cramping, which is necessary for strong bones , which helps regulate the metabolism, which helps maintain a proper balance of electrolytes and supports the immune system, how could you not use it?

Which salt should I buy? Looking for raw sea salt, unrefined in your area, almost any brand is good, but beware, if not expressly stated that is raw and unrefined, it assumes that it is not.

Oh, and of course, avoid refined table salt at all costs (unless you want to have high blood pressure for some reason). This is the kind of salt that we should avoid like the plague.

So the next time someone tells you to be careful with the salt, answer "Put salt, honey. It is a good

for you and what you really are missing. "

By Ramiro Ruiz

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