Monday, August 6, 2012

The valuation of Francisco Camps

To the despair of a baffled George Alart, the Gürtel case has not adversely affected the valuation of Valencia make the work of Francisco Camps in front of the Consell. In a survey of a digital newspaper, 70% of people approve of. Moreover, 50% it does note outstanding.

In contrast, two separate polls show last weekend of the increasingly discredited Rodriguez Zapatero and the Socialist Party. In Metroscopia survey, 75% of respondents disapprove of the Prime Minister. The Pre-Election Barometer of the Journal, for its part, shows the breakdown of PSC José Montilla, would get only half the seats nationalists Artur Mas. Much of this disaster should be vested in the Zapatero, who was not even the voters approve the waning PSC.

With this background, Francisco Camps can breathe quiet, at least from the electoral point of view: the triumph of PP in the next regional elections seems assured.

The paradox is that the excellent image of our president in the Valencia region is touched with a huge erosion of its prestige out of it, so much so that some national leaders of his party boasted of his love before now avoid having their pictures taken with him.

None of this, however, flinch at Mariano Rajoy, whom the collapse of rivals seems catapult into the Moncloa without getting wet in many of the thorniest issues of our collective life. During the consultation of Metroscopia People's Party takes out 14.5 points ahead of the PSOE and for the first time, the image of ZP is worse than Rajoy.

This convenient location allows demoscopic PP leader, who has never seen another like it, continue to support without much grief Camps and keeps your hands free, for example, to decide what you like on thorny conflicts such as the rock stars in Asturias? Alvarez Cascos.

Seen to date is the landscape on both sides of the political spectrum, could draw some conclusions:

1) The possible cases of corruption are so taken by staff who have scarcely any electoral impact.

2) The worst hit by the citizens of left and right is Rodriguez Zapatero's victory over Trinidad Jimenez Tomas Gomez would be a symptom of this phenomenon.

3) Where more discouragement manifested citizen, according to all polls, is on the rise in voter turnout: more in the case of left-wing voters in the right.

4) If there is an electorate that is more faithful manifested PP: 94% of voters would prefer to win this and only 62% of the PSOE socialists they did.

5) This is compounded in our community, where the face of good evaluation of Francisco Camps, the PSPV, Groucho Marx parody, seems to have "come with great effort from poverty to abject poverty." Just like that.

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